Sunday, 22 January 2017

Hi 2017

So I haven’t written for a while…woops. I didn’t realise how busy second year of university would be, it’s only now that I’m sitting down with some free time to write this post. I had so many blog post ideas, especially for the start of January. I guess this post could be a bit of a catch up?

The year has started off pretty well, I think, *touch wood*. My uni grades are going well and I’ve felt a lot more positive! Like a lot of people, I joined the gym this month to not only boost fitness levels but to just feel good, know what I mean? Its something to do a few hours a week and has helped me feel motivated, which is what I needed in my life.

I’ve made more of an effort to be conscious of what I eat, cutting out foods that don’t do my body any good, an example being bread, since I’ve stopped eating it I’ve felt so much better. I made an effort of writing down what has happened everyday, in a way to reflect how I’ve felt and it has really helped, also surprised I’ve kept it up! The main thing I’ve been working on is saying yes to more things. Whether it’s a walk into town with some friends, taking up the offer of joining the gym or travelling to Liverpool for your friends 21st birthday.

There’s nothing else to update on, but, I hope that everyone is having a good 2017 so far and bare with me for the posts to come.

Tyra's 21st Birthday - follow her gorgeous insta here @unwrittentruth_
P.s. I bought some new converse for the first time in six years and I'm in love all over again...