Monday, 10 October 2016

Avocado and Cinnamon Pudding

In recent weeks I've been trying out a new breakfast recipe that's both light and filling, perfect for an early start as it quick and easy to make. The recipe is originally by Kourtney Kardashian, however I changed it slightly. 

  • 1 avocado. 
  • 1 cup of milk.
    This can be any milk to your personal preference. 
  • 1 tablespoon of honey. 
  • 2 tea spoons of cinnamon. 

  • Slice your avocado in half and twist to have two halves. Carefully remove the stone and scoop out all of the avocado from its coating.
  • Measure out a cup full of milk and along with the avocado and both the honey and cinnamon, put all of the ingredients into a blender and proceed to blend until smooth. 
  • Finally, pour the contents into a cup. I personally like to eat this with a spoon as though it were a yoghurt. 
Finished Product! - picture taken from my Instagram. P.s. You can see me in the spoon...
The original recipe includes organic products and does not include cinnamon, you can add more or different flavours to your own taste and use any organic products. I occasionally eat a piece of fruit along with this, usually a banana, just to make the morning meal that little bit extra filling. Avocado is great for the skin too! Enjoy...

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